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NeoStrata was founded in 1988 by Drs. Eugene Van Scott and Ruey Yu, co-inventors, with over 100 U.S. and foreign patents. These two doctors share a mutual interest in skin diseases. Since more than half of all skin problems are due to difficulties in shedding and forming the stratum corneum, the doctors were determined to find ways to positively influence the formation of new skin layers. This partnership has spanned five decades and still continues today. These two doctors have been internationally recognized for making the ground-breaking discovery that Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) have profound beneficial effects on human skin. They discovered that AHA compounds such as Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid are beneficial both in the treatment of dermatological conditions, encouraging cell turnover and in stimulating prematurely aged or damaged skin to rejuvenate itself, thereby revolutionizing the treatment of aging skin.

The NeoStrata Company, Inc. has a proud heritage of clinically-proven, dermatologist-developed skincare products featuring Alpha Hydroxy and Polyhydroxy Acid technology. The NeoStrata Company, Inc. was founded to bring the new technologies and cosmeceutical formulations directly to skincare professionals, their patients, clients and consumers. It both develops and markets the products that it has developed. Highly regarded by skincare experts around the world, these products can be found in physician offices, at retail stores and in spas and salons in over eighty countries around the globe.